ZDnet Download's Editor's Pick - and highest software rating (5 stars)
"Congratulations on a 5-star rating. You've done an outstanding job compiling a list of not only wineries, but wines and wine ratings as well..........." Read full review here |
Awarded Editors Choice by DownloadAtlas.
" We would like to announce that we have granted an Editor's Choice award to The Uncorked Cellar to reflect the high quality of your software. This award means that The Uncorked Cellar is an Editor's pick." ... |
5 Stars Editors' Pick Award from FileCluster
The Uncorked Cellar was reviewed by FileCluster.com and has been awarded with our 5 Stars Editors' Pick Award.
This certification represents a sum of review factors such as the niche competition factor, performance, stability, ease of use, features, user reactions and so forth.
We greatly appreciate quality software, please keep up the good work! |
DownloadFast's Editor's Choice
We reviewed your software and just wanted to contact you to say .. It's a great and usefull piece of software for wine! We decided to award you an editor's choice 5 stars award with DownloadFast |
5 star Wine Software Award from Win7dwnld
Since testing and classifying software products is our main activity, we found your product as being one of the software products that captured our attention. It has been tested by some of our best colleagues and has passed all criteria that we use in classifying such products (ease of use, features, user interface, help & support, customization, speed). We decided to grant your software product a 5 Stars Award
We are glad that software developers like you give their best to produce high quality and especially up-to-date products |
The Uncorked Cellar gained 5 Stars award on our website based on our Rating Guidelines. |
Freesoft4download's 5 star award
"The Uncorked Cellar" has been reviewed by FreeSoft4Download staff. |
Awarded First Place and 5 Cubes based on PerfectDownloads's Software Rating Guidelines.
" Great wine guide and wine cellar software. We have put it on the first place in our category Home & Education / Food & Drink " ... |
Five Stars from Fiber Download
" An amazing application for wine lovers. A great surprise to find that such a cellar management solution for home users have been developed. " |
5 Stars Editors Award from PC District
We've just added a 5 stars Editor's rating for your product, The Uncorked Cellar. This award is given by our editors to products that we think are excellent and above average in their category
"Congratulations! After tests that we have been done to your software product and our users ratings, we decided to grant your software title with FreeVistaFiles.com highest award "Best 5 stars Award". This means that The Uncorked Cellar is highly appreciated and recommended by us to customers.." |
Installation went smooth on two of our test computers and we have found no adware, backdoors or viruses in the installation kit. After reviewing The Uncorked Cellar we have found it to be EXCELLENT and we would like to congratulate you for the quality of your product. We have decided to list The Uncorked Cellar on our website and to grant an award certifying the quality of this software product.. |
The Uncorked Cellar recieves the "Editor Choice" award from DLGuide.net
"Recently we had the pleasure of reviewing The Uncorked Cellar. We were so impressed with it that we awarded you the editors choice and a 5 stars recommendation at DLGuide.net." |
The Uncorked Cellar recieved "Editors Choice" from Nicedownloads.net
While browsing the web we came across your software and I must say that we were stunned. We were so amazed by its outstanding features that we decided to give you our prestigious 5 stars award and put your software on our editors choice list... |
The Uncorked Cellar has been reviewed by our editors and it received our 5 stars Rating Award. It's an remarkable product, best of breed in its class, raising above its competitors by the innovative approach and wine ratings. |
Great job, we're really impressed!. |
We were favorably impressed with all the wonderful features The Uncorked Cellar has. Because of this we gave your software a 5 star award and our editor's choice approval. |
HIGHEST SOFTWARE AWARD for The Uncorked Cellar from FortDownloads.com
After tests that we have been done and our users' ratings, we decided to grant The Uncorked Cellar with the Fortedownloads.com HIGHEST Award - 5 star Award . This means that The Uncorked Cellar is highly appreciated and recommended by us to customers. We are very impressed with the quality of your product and encourage you to keep this high standard in the future... |
WOW! I really think you've made a great job and we find it very usefull and easy to use. We have awarded your software our 5 stars award. |
Byte Flow's highest rating (Editors Choice) - with a comment "we're really impressed!"
Editors choice by Techmedia Point
We were intrigued by all its features and were so impressed that we decided to give you our exclusive 5 stars award and put it on our editor's choice list. |
The Uncorked Cellar is designed with a very detailed, clear and easy-to-navigate interface..... |
Editor's choice also from Soft Checker
Awarded "Editors Choice" on Free Shareware Depot
We are very impressed with the quality and usability of your wine management software and our Editor's Team has rated your excellent product with the Editor's Choice Award. |
Congratulations! The Uncorked Cellar has been granted the "Famous Software Award" by FamousWhy.com.
The Famous Software Award has been initiated to recognize Software with innovative ways assuring user satisfaction.
Important criterias for this award:
- Originality, creativity and vision;
- Professional appearance and structure;
- Flexibility
- Leadership in the software sector.
Submissions for this award are not possible, as our editor's team manually evaluate, test and review software honored by the "Famous Software Award".
5 Stars from Windows64.com
The Uncorked Cellar has been awarded 5/5 Stars at the Windows64.com Software Library |
The Uncorked Cellar has been tested by UpdateStar using most of the industry-leading security solutions. It has been found to be clean of any malware, virus, or spyware components.
We assure our visitors that The Uncorked Cellar is clean by granting it the "Safe to install" award.. |
"The Uncorked Cellar" has been awarded "5 Stars" on download4a.com. This reflects the high standards in your software for wine. |
Our team tested The Uncorked Cellar under the Windows 7 operating system. You must know that your software passed by this test and we inform you that your software received the "Windows 7 Compatible" award. |
Reviewed by Windows8Downloads.com |
We are pleased to inform you that your application The Uncorked Cellar was thoroughly tested by our quality control team and has passed the Windows 8 Compatibility test. Your application was found fully compatible with Microsoft Windows 8 operating system and is completely safe for the end-users to use on their Windows 8 PCs.
As the sign of approval, we award you with this Compatibility Certificate
We are pleased to inform you that your application The Uncorked Cellar submitted on 08/04/2015 was thoroughly tested by our quality control team and has passed the Windows 10 Compatibility test.
The Uncorked Cellar was found fully compatible with Microsoft Windows 10 and is completely safe for the end-users to use on their Windows 10 PCs.
The Uncorked Cellar has been published on Windows10Download.com
Awards are given to products we think are excellent and above average in their category, based on our experience and judgement. |
Certified 100% Clean by Soft82.com
The Uncorked Cellar has been tested by soft82.com team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. Our editors will recheck this software periodically to assure that it remains clean. |
Editor's Choice from "Get a Best"
We have awarded The Uncorked Cellar with "5 stars Editor's choice!" |
Editor's Pick from Download Route
" The Uncorked Cellar is our editorial pick ! We are impressed by the The Uncorked Cellar quality and cleanliness of program " |
Featured at FDP
... Editor's choice from WareSeeker
"We found your product The Uncorked Cellar very useful and we categorize your product as an editor's pick software on WareSeeker.com"
5 Stars from Downloadsarea
The Editorial staff at www.downloadsarea.com have recently run "The Uncorked Cellar" against our quality guidelines and your software performed most admirably. Your software is entitled to our "Certified Software" badge
5 Stars from wdownload.net
'The Uncorked Cellar' has been reviewed by www.wdownload.net and added into our software directory with a 'Best Wine Software' award.
... Editor's choice from New Free Downloads
... and EFreeDown
Editor's choice from Finkia software
Paul's Picks highest rating (5 stars)

Editor's choice software (and highest rating) from Softplatz.com

Program Datacenter's highest rating
The Uncorked Cellar has an interesting twist over similar applications, which makes it unique.
The highest rating from Download Rage (5 stars)


... Whether you're starting a collection or managing one, The Uncorked Cellar is the ultimate wine management tool. Let your love for wine take flight with The Uncorked Cellar and Top Download Club.
FileHungry's highest rating (5 stars)


5 Stars from DownloadzNow
It is our pleasure to inform you that The Uncorked Cellar has just been reviewed on our site and received a 5 stars award.
PC Soft Land's highest rating (5 stars)

Soft DLL's highest rating (5 stars) - and certified virus free

Butterfly Download's highest rating (5 stars)

Awarded Editors Choice by New Free Downloads

Free software downloads

GT Download's highest rating (5 stars)

"Our software experts have tested The Uncorked Cellar.
They were very impressed by the quality and cleanliness of the program and they are just as eager to test your future products.
They found "The Uncorked Cellar" clean of adware/spyware and they qualified it as "100% Clean and Safe".
Accordingly to the tests results made by our team, we grant your product with "100% Clean & Safe" GTDownload Award."
Download Pipe's highest rating (5 stars)
Congratulations - We've awarded The Uncorked Cellar a DownloadPipe.com 5 Star Award!
Editors choice by The Smart Digit
We were very impressed by all the great features The Uncorked Cellar offers. Consequently we awarded your software our highest recommendations, 5 stars and a place on our editors choice list.
Programs Data highest rating (5 stars)

We are glad to let you know that The Uncorked Cellar was reviewed by our editor's team and received a '5 Stars Award'
a 5 Star award from Sharewareisland

Your Software The Uncorked Cellar received a 5 Star award from Sharewareisland.com
"4 Aces Award" from DownloadAces

Congratulations! Due to many tests that we have been done to your product and our user's ratings, we decided to grant your product with DownloadAces "4 Aces Award". This means that "The Uncorked Cellar" is highly apreciated and already in the top of the searches.
Premium Software award from findsoft.net

We would like to inform you that your program "The Uncorked Cellar" has successfully passed our
quality tests showing it performs well above average in its niche. Therefore we decided to grant
"The Uncorked Cellar" a Premium Software listing.
The Uncorked Cellar carries the "Safe to Buy" award.
"Your purchase process has been found to be clean of any fraud, scam or malware components."
Frank Alperstaedt
UpdateStar GmbH
Certified Adware and Spyware free by QArchive
Awarded "Clean and Safe" on DownloadSofts.com
"I have tested The Uncorked Cellar and am impressed by the quality and cleanliness of the program. I found The Uncorked Cellar clean of adware/spyware and qualified it as Clean & Safe."
Alina Stroe, Test Enginer, DownloadSofts.com
Tested 100% Clean Software by File Parade
"Congratulations! ... We tested The Uncorked Cellar against multiple anti-virus programs and your software was found to be 100% clean of viruses, spyware, and adware. We thank you for your contribution to the shareware industry. This is exactly what makes sites like ours a success."
5 Stars and 100% clean at downloadrage.com
The Uncorked Cellar has been scanned for viruses, spyware and adware and certified clean by DownloadRage. |
"The Uncorked Cellar was verified and tested against viruses by our review team and we decided to list it on our website fileaward.com . Your software was granted with 5 Stars Award and 100% clean file."
Tested by Softworld
"We virus scan your software every week and publish the results and certification."
Clean and safe install confirmation by Place77
Nice wines :)
"Downloadtube.com editor team would like to congratulate the high quality standards achieved by your software in front of its competitors."
The Uncorked Cellar 100% Clean Certified by Downloads-Portal
"The Uncorked Cellar" has been tested by our team and found it CLEAN, earning a Clean Certificate from Downloads-Portal.com
"DownloadRoute.com have checked your program for viruses, trojans, adware, spyware, malware and backdoors. We guarantee that The Uncorked Cellar is 100% CLEAN, which means that it does not contain any malicious components.."
"DownloadAtlas.com guarantees that The Uncorked Cellar was tested by antivirus program and is absolutely clean, which means it does not contain any form of malware, including computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, most rootkits, spyware, dishonest adware, crimeware and other malicious and unwanted software... To assure our users that The Uncorked Cellar is clean and safe to install, we awarded your software with our DownloadAtlas.com 100% Safe Award. "
"The Uncorked Cellar was downloaded and tested by Downloads2k.com using our combined security module and was found completely clean. Our security module uses 4 different antivirus components: Kaspersky AV, BitDefender, NOD32 and Avira Antivirus.
Using this combined antivirus testing, we make sure that our users are downloading only quality clean software. With each version update, The Uncorked Cellar will be rechecked, updating its 100% Clean status.
Download3K scanned The Uncorked Cellar with 5 of the best antivirus engines available today: Avast, AVG, Avira, Kaspersky, NOD32. Just as expected, the report shows that your program is completely clean of any form of badware (viruses, spyware, adware, etc.)
Download3K mirror

Soft Recipe's highest rating (Editors Choice - 5 stars)

The Uncorked Cellar was verified and tested against viruses by our review team and we decided to list-it on our website softrecipe.com . Your software was granted with 5 Stars Award and 100% clean file.
Editors choice by GearDownload
The Uncorked Cellar, has been tested 100% clean and rated 5 stars on GearDownload.com.
100% CLEAN FileREX award

The Uncorked Cellar has been tested in the FileREX labs using latest security solutions and we found to be completely clean of viruses/adware/spyware. We are impressed with the quality of your product and encourage you to keep these high standards in the future.
To assure our visitors that The Uncorked Cellar is clean, we have granted it with the 100% CLEAN FileREX award..
Tested 100% Clean Software by MaxxDownload
The Uncorked Cellar has been tested thoroughly by the MaxxDownload team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojans and was found to be 100% clean. Our test team will recheck this software periodically to assure users that it remains clean.
The Uncorked Cellar - 100% CLEAN Certification
Our editor's from SoftDownload22.com tested The Uncorked Cellar against viruses, spyware,trojan,backdoors and was found to be 100% clean of any form of malware. Our editors will test this application periodically to assure that it remains clean.
The Uncorked Cellar 100% Clean Award
The Uncorked Cellar has been tested and awarded a 100% Clean Award by myDownloadPlanet
Softplanet Editor's gave The Uncorked Cellar the Thumb's Up.
Are you a wine lover?... Softplanet Editor's gave The Uncorked Cellar the Thumb's Up.
Organization of Independant Software Vendors Charter Member
Member of Software Industry Professionals
Uncork is a member of
Software Industry Professionals.